Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Welly-moot #7.1 - a date at the museum (May 20th, 2pm)

It's high time for a meetup, people, and I've got just the occasion! If you've been following my Facebook page lately, you may have seen the rumours that Wellington has a new Museum - and no, I'm not talking about Peter Jackson's "may-happen-soon" film museum. This one is a dedicated LOTR Fan museum!


In Wellington's suburb of Newtown, a small privately run museum has opened its doors last year. Two huge fans of the LOTR movies, Kathy and Liz have dedicated a part of Kathy's house to showing the fans journey during the making of LOTR. They have props, they have costumes, and they certainly have enthusiasm to burn. A lot of my personal collection has made its way there, and on top of that, they've even turned their experiences into a professionally made 30 minute movie!

Now, they need our help. They need people to hear about it, online and offline. So here's the plan. Kathy has invited us all as a group to the museum, on Sunday May 20th, at 2pm. They'll provide coffee and tea, if we can provide any other refreshments. It's not a cafe, so if somebody wants to bake some cookies or a cake or something, that would be most appreciated.

It's not hard to find (although parking can be tight, so be prepared to walk a block or so. Trust me, it's worth it). Full instructions are here: http://www.theoneroomfanmuseum.nz/contact/ but in brief, the address is 4 Corunna Avenue in Newtown. It's close to the Wellington Central Hospital, and nestled against the hills (where LOTR was filmed, incidentally).

If anyone needs a ride, let me know, we have space for two (or three small) people, leaving from the Johnsonville area.

Now, I know we haven't had a meeting in quite a while, so I'd REALLY enjoy seeing lots of you this time. Lots has happened around the world on the subject of Tolkien as well - like the upcoming 5-season LOTR TV show - so let's get together.

 It's business as usual!

  - Jack & Alex