
One of the things that has always impressed me about the Tolkien community is that it inspires so many of us to become creative in so many ways. Some of the ways that this has been done here in Wellington includes costumes, artwork, poems, fan fiction, and so on (and movies! don't forget movies!)

Some original songs and poems have been sung or recited at the Welly-moots.

Also, we've had a number of in-depth discussions at the moots. These are notes we used:

February 26, 2012 - how Gandalf came by the Map and Key:

Background articles written by Mark Bednarowski, taken from Amon Hen, the Tolkien Society (UK)'s magazine. They are reprinted with permission of the author. They make excellent reading! If you're not already member of the Tolkien Society (UK), the magazine comes out every two months. A subscription is definitely recommended.

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