Showing posts with label Kaitoke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaitoke. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2025

Report: Walk to Rivendell for the 10th Anniversary of the Elven Archway

What a great day that was. We truly feel that Rivendell's Elven Archway's 10th birthday has been celebrated in style!


 Alex & I arrived a little earlier since we wanted to catch up with local park ranger Steve, who has been instrumental over the years in ensuring the preservation of the film site and in arranging the permissions for the archway to be built in the first place. He has recently also replaced the information boards placed on the filming location, and kept the old ones for us; they'll be looked after by Kathy from The One Room LOTR Fan Museum in Newton.

Steve and his team have been working very hard these last few years with various funded and volunteer groups, on a predator eradication program around the spectacular Kaitoke forest area - work which has been paying off in spades. We saw (and heard!) numerous Tui, Bellbirds, Fantails, and lots of other natives - and that's despite all the noise we undoubtedly made as the rowdy group of Tolkien fans traversed through the area.

The group started to arrive soon after our meeting with Steve, and amongst them Kathy and Pete as well with the museum's collection of costumes for all those who didn't have their own. Sasha also arrived, and with her were members of her stunt-troupe of Rohan Knights, decked out in full leather armour. They "convinced" me to don some as well, so in the photos I'm not in my usual gear from Kathy's collection, but in a slightly less comfortable and heavier collection of kilos of leather, with a full metal helmet.


When everyone was ready, we set out across river to for our walk on the Swingbridge Track. Officially it's an hour's walk, but in reality it's usually a bit less; 30-45 minutes tops. It tracks through a gorgeous part of New Zealand's temperate rain forest, with ancient rimu and rātā and koru and mosses everywhere, and the sounds of the river complemented by birdsong. Somehow it's even more special when everyone is wearing medieval styled costumes.



At the end of our walk, the picnic was spread out, on many blankets, and the food and drink was presented. What a feast! There was Emily's apple-cake, Richard's home-made mead, sandwiches of all descriptions, salads, fruits, meats, drinks - everything a weary group of travellers needs after a hard day's march (ok, after only a thirty minute walk, but it still counts!).


New friendships were made, old bonds reforged, and the fellowship whiled away the afternoon in the sun. The weather was 100% on our side - it was never too hot or too cold. When we first arrived, there was a moment's worry with a gentle drizzle, but it stopped minutes after we arrived, Then, when everyone was packed up and ready to drive away, it started to rain properly, so we got the utmost best window of sunshine for our day. When it's meant to be, it's meant to be!



One thing we completely forgot - we had a few small prizes to hand out for best costumes, and it utterly slipped our minds on the day. It would have been a difficult task in any case - a lot of efforts had obviously gone into everyone's looks, and special mentions of Sasha and especially Kathy for bring extras for those who didn't have their own! The group looked fabulous, and we had more than a few passers-by asking for permission to take photos of us during the picnic!

All in all, a very successful day, and one we all enjoyed immensely. We're already looking forward to the next event!




Special thanks go to Steve the Kaitoke Park Ranger for looking after the area all these years, to Ted Guise for building the archway ten years ago, to Kathy for bringing her collection of costumes once again, to Sasha for bring her collection and her re-enacters, to everyone who provided me with the photos to add to this post, and to everyone else for making the effort once again and coming out with all your enthusiasm and energy to make the day so special for all involved. It's you we do it for every time!


Sunday, February 2, 2020

Feb 1 Picnic yesterday - What a great day!

(edit 1 - 2020-02-02 9:30pm) - added more photos, courtesy of Dianne)

We started off with fairly uncertain weather yesterday for the picnic - it was windy and cloudy here in Johnsonville in the morning, with a bit of light drizzle - but as we drove north of Upper Hutt to the Pakuratahi valley, it started to fine up as we got closer. Sure enough, the sun broke out, and the picnic couldn't have gone better!

caption: Alex and Jack

 I think we had a record breaking group size; I counted more than thirty people (and three dogs!). Really good turn out, and thanks to everyone for making the day a success. A few people who had cancelled ended up coming as well (thanks, Brian & Harrison). A few faces we haven't seen for a (long) while, as well, and two people from my running group turned up, always up for a good walk (thanks Cameron & Sarah). Well met and well done!

caption: Getting into costume, and getting into character

But the biggest thank you, once again, goes to Kathy for bringing her fabulous costumes. Her collection of costumes has become really something. If you want a personal cosplay session, drop her a line, or visit her at The One Room LOTR Fan Museum in Newtown. She'd love to host you!

( )

The park was starting to get a bit busier with other visitors, and we had more than a few sets of curious eyes cast at us. One young mother with her two kids wanted to take photos of us, but I convinced them to join us on the walk, in costume. Nice going!

Brand new members! (© Dianne)

Alex took a few photos of the walk and the picnic - here's some (if you're only seeing one picture here, you may have to click on the link to get back to for the rest).

[edit: Also included are Dianne's pictures (as marked " © Dianne"))

caption: Crossing the swingbridge

(© Dianne)

(© Dianne)

(© Dianne)

(© Dianne)

(© Dianne)

(© Dianne)


My costume didn't have pockets, so I didn't have my camera with me. I'm relying on other people to send me the best pictures. Contact me on facebook or send them to me here on - I'm more than happy to post them here.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Reminder - Welly-moot Picnic at Rivendell is only a week away (Feb 1)!

Get your picnic sets ready, dig your costumes out of the closet, and come and join us next week, February 1st, at the Kaitoke Regional Park (north of Upper Hutt), where the group will join up at the Forks carpark at 10:00am.

It's only a week away at this stage, and the long range weather forecasts are still looking good, so it's all on!

First, you can decide if you want to join us in costumes - Kathy will be there from The One Room Fan Museum, with a good selection of LOTR costumes that are available for a gold coin donation. Costumes are absolutely not compulsory, but Rivendell seems like a totally appropriate location to don them one more time.

Once we're ready, we will go for a good walk through the forest across the swing bridge, traversing the roughly 45 minute track in a counter-clockwise direction, which will take us right in to the grass field beside Rivendell and its archway. The carpark is close by, so feel free to leave your picnics in the cars during the walk. If you don't want to walk, no problem there either - you can look after the picnics until we get there (I hope we can trust you with the food!).

Closer to 11:30 / noon, we will start the lunch. At some point I'd love to get a nice group photo.

That's the plan - and it's all of the plan. Nice and simple!

If anyone has questions, or needs a ride, drop me a line at, I'm sure something can be arranged.

See you at the carpark at 10:00am on February 1st!


NB - if the weather turns sour on Saturday, we'll postpone till the next day, Sunday 2nd of February. If they're both rubbish, we'll decide further, and watch this site ( for more details.

  - Jack

Friday, January 3, 2020

Next event - Picnic at Rivendell, 1st of February

Welly-moot, in association with The One Room Fan Museum, presents:

Rivendell Picnic 2020

We haven't had an event for a little while, and I think it's high time. What better way to celebrate the new decade with a Picnic at everyone's favourite LOTR location - Rivendell!

We're all getting together on February 1st, (with Feb 2 as the Plan B bad weather day). We're basically using the same plan as last year, since it worked so well.

Here's the outline:

  • Meet at the Kaitoke Forks Carpark (by the swing-bridge), at 10:00am
  • Adjust costumes (Hell yes! In costume through the rainforest!) (*)
  • At 10:15 or so, we cross the swing-bridge, and walk the main track. It'll take about 30-45 minutes, although possibly a bit longer depending on costume.
  • The end of the walk will get us to the Rivendell grassy lawn, where we unpack our picnics
  • After the picnic, all join for a Welly-moot group photo by the Archway.
Plus anything else we can think of on the day, or before. We're open to ideas, so drop us a line anytime!

The final plans will be published here as the time comes closer, so check back here often. Please share on your social media as well - the more the merrier!

  - Jack

(*) Bring a Middle-earth costume of your own - or if you're stuck, Kathy will be here with The One Room Fan Museum's amazing costume collection, which you are welcome to wear on the day for a gold coin donation.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Walk to Rivendell event, photo report

The weather for our event was fantastic on Saturday the 15th, it wasn't too hot, and it wasn't too cold - just perfect!

At 10am we met at the Pakuratahi Forks car-park, where the Pakuratahi Stream merges with the Hutt River, and where the Swing-bridge crosses it.

Kathy had brought all of the One Room Museum's costume collection with her, and made it available to the group.

Pretty much everyone took Kathy up on her generous offer, and although it took a little longer than planned to get into all our costumes, we eventually crossed the Swing-bridge at around 11:00am.


After gathering everyone together, we set off on our walk through the Kaitoke forest.

After a pleasant walk, we returned to the car-park to retrieve our picnics, and spread out the blankets on the lawn beside the filming locations of Rivendell.

 Once everyone was satiated, we had a good look around the Rivendell area itself, and took the opportunity to get some great photos of everyone, including the inevitable group photo, thanks to a helpful passerby.

The after-picnic coffee & tea session was held by roughly half of the group, at Emily house, who left a little earlier in order to get the fresh cream and homemade ice-cream and cakes ready.

All in all, a great day, and a very successful picnic! I'm keen to repeat it next week - let me know your thoughts!

  - Jack

PS - if you're reading this on Facebook, and can't see the photos, you'll have to visit