On Sunday, November the 20th (in less than a month!), the Welly-moot will gather in Rivendell, in the grass fields beside the filming location. Essentially I'm planning for it to be a noisy, messy, chaotic gathering of as many of us as can make it there. Come in costume if you can (and if the weather is up to it).
We plan to start setting up around 11:00am on the grass, to ensure we have the spot. The rangers have made it clear that it's a first-come-first-served spot, so let's all get there early!
We have a few activities planned, but only loosely. If anyone has (soft!) cosplay weapons, I gather we have a few people with skills to show us how to protect Imladris from the darkness. No projectile weapons please (except perhaps Frisbees!)
If anyone has a barbecue, that would be most welcome as well. Can everyone keep me informed as to what we're all bringing - I'm happy to act as a go-between if you want to bring extra meat etc but don't have a BBQ yourself, or vise versa. KEEP ME INFORMED though please!
It'll be a usual kiwi/Welly-moot picnic - bring a plate; which means bring enough food/drink for yourself, and share it around if you wish to. As long as everyone does this, I'm sure there will be plenty to go around.
So, can everyone let me know if you're intending to come to the party, either leave me a message on the facebook page, or via email at
jack@welly-moot.com. I don't check the google+ page very often (is anyone actually using that, btw?).
Something different - I've managed to source a couple of cool souvenirs if anyone is interested, but before I pay for a box of stuff nobody wants, I need to know what sort of interest there would be. In a few souvenir shops around New Zealand I've spotted a lovely yellow AA-styled roadsign pointing the way to Middle-earth. I can get some for a good price, and pass them on to our members. Please send an email to me at
jack@welly-moot.com if you'd be keen on having one. They measure around 45cm long, 10cm high.
Middle-earth sign, 45cm x 10cm (made from MDF) - $15 for Welly-moot members |
The cost would be $15 each, but I need a certain amount of orders before it's worth it for us. They will pay for the various Welly-moot expenses that I've racked up over the last 6 years, so drop me a line if you want a cool sign. If I get enough orders in the next week or so, I can order them before the picnic.
Also, I think I've sourced a supplier who can turn our Welly-moot logo (the runes in the red diamond) into an iron-on transfer patch, if anyone is interested? They'd be around $5 or so. Again, email me at
jack@welly-moot.com if you want one. If there's enough interest, I'll order them before the picnic also. Wear your geek with pride!
If you're not yet a Welly-moot member, simply turn up to the picnic, and you will be one (make sure you come and talk to me about it though - I won't do a head-count on the day!). Membership is free, and for life.
Anyway, expect a few more posts in the next few weeks, with more picnic details. See you all there!
- Jack